Tuesday, December 9, 2008

OpenOffice 3.0 PPA is up a working again

A few entries ago, I posted information on how to upgrade to Open Office 3.0. Then suddenly the repository went off-line and it didn't work anymore. I'm glad to report that as of yesterday, the repository is back online and notified me of updates. The updates worked great on the systems that were updating from Open Office 2.4, but where 3.0 was already installed there were conflicts and a partial upgrade was offered but didn't work. To fix the issue I have to remove Open Office from the computer and then reinstall. After that everything was working perfect. I enabled the repositories again on the other computers and all is well.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Intrepid Ibex Install & timekpr b5

Toady I had to rebuild one of the systems in my house. It was one that the kids use extensively so of course timekpr is normally installed on that system. I took the opportunity to upgrade that system to Intrepid Ibex after installing a new HDD, and wireless adapter. Enough of the small talk, here's the news.

    I downloaded and installed timekpr b5 and all was well. I then decided to add the Intrepid repository from Even's PPA and to my surprise there were updates for timekpr. I installed the updates and I now have b5+ installed on that system and it's working beautifully.

    I filed a bug report against timekpr today. I found that when you are logged in as an administrator or as an unrestricted user, the timekpr status keeper gives a countdown to log off (midnight). I feel like this shouldn't be the case for any unrestricted users. timekpr should simply report No Restrictions or some such phrase, so a new bug report was filed.

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Timekpr Version 0.2.2 is released!

This program will track and control the computer usage of your user accounts. You can limit their daily usage based on a timed access duration and configure periods of day when they can or cannot log in. With this application, administrators can limit account login time duration or account access hours.


  • This program is heavily depended on Linux-PAM and its time and access modules.
  • Beta 5 has been released, and now supports Ubuntu, Kubuntu & Xbuntu version 8.04 and 8.10 - Special thanks to .nedberg for this much anticipated release.
  • If you would like to contribute to the code, join the timekpr-maintainers team on launchpad.
  • Current status indicated below:
    - Ubuntu Hardy: Works
    - Ubuntu Intrepid: Works
    - Kubuntu Hardy KDE3: Works
    - Kubuntu Interpid KDE4: Works
    - Xubuntu Hardy: Works


  • This project was born after Charles Jackson's (crjackson) request for a program that time-limits user accounts:
    Ubuntu Forums. You can also find a progression of the history posted at the
    Bucknasty. blog.
  • This is a complete re-write in python and vast improvement from the original timekpr bash script:
  • Even Nedberg initially began to improve the original bash script from Chris Jackson. Savvas Radević packaged it and soon began co-development.
  • Special thanks go to Charles Jackson (crjackson), who has contributed a lot by suggesting, brainstorming useful features, writing the initial blueprint, and
    being the primary tester.
  • We would also like to thank all the people posting to that topic in ubuntu forums for their comments.

Additional Information
Developers Even Nedberg and Savvas Radević (or .nedberg and forger) of the Ubuntu forums have rewritten the package using python as opposed to the bash shell script of it's previous form. timekpr now has a full featured interface with the ability to change and grow as needed. The beta 3 release adds support for both KDE and Xfce versions of Ubuntu 8.04 & 8.10.

I have requested an additional feature of a black-out setting that would let you slice a chunk of time right out of the normally allowable login hours. This would be for designated home work time, or other required activities. Please bookmark this page for future updates.
- Charles

Download the deb file and double click on it to install. Configure your users, click apply and then quit when done. Just remember to check back here to always get the latest version available.

Intrepid Ibex Users should install by adding Even's PPA repository to there software sources list, and then use your package manager to install. This will always give you the latest version and keep your system updated.

Stable repository:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/timekpr-maintainers/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/timekpr-maintainers/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main

Development repository:
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nedberg/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/nedberg/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main

Prior to installation, you must Un-install any previous versions by running the code below in a terminal session.
sudo dpkg --purge timekpr