Sunday, February 10, 2008

Amazon MP3 Downloader / nVidia Driver Update

Today my laptop is sporting some new software and music. I contacted and requested a Ubuntu Linux version of their MP3 downloader software. A couple of days later a 32-bit deb was in my email. I did a force architecture install on my 64-bit Ubuntu powered laptop. I used getlibs and grabbed some missing 32-bit libraries and the program launched without a hitch. Next I purchased a few MP3's and let the new software do it's magic. I was presently surprised. It worked perfectly. No issues at all. I expect they will soon have a 64-bit deb file ready, but it doesn't really matter. Just grab the 32-bit and you're set.

A week has gone by since installing the newest nVidia graphics driver. I have to say it works very nicely, but I'd love to get rid of that login splash screen.

If anyone knows how to kill the splash screen (Logo Screen) on the new 169.09 nVidia driver, please let me know. The old xorg.conf entry isn't working on the new driver.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

nVidia 169.09 / Envy install

Today I reinstalled the 169.09 driver again using Envy. I first installed Envy and then disabled the Ubuntu restricted driver. Next (using the Envy software) I removed the current nVidia driver.

After doing all this, a reboot was required. Then I used Envy to install the new driver and rebooted the machine again. All seems good so far...

Then I tested to see that 3D was working by launching glxgears and some 3D games. All was still well. Then I tried to enable desktop effects, and it told me I must turn on the restricted driver again. I can't understand why the 3D GL games are working and the desktop effects don't unless enabling the restricted stuff. It would seem that the restricted driver was already being used, but Ubuntu doesn't recognize it as so unless you go the the restricted driver manager and "Tick" the enabled check box.

Well, I went ahead and enabled it and all seems to work okay. Man, I did find out that turning on the desktop effects, SERIOUSLY slows down the FPS reported by glxgears. What's up with that? Anyway, I don't use the desktop effects unless I'm showing off or something.

The other strange thing about this driver is that when I use nvidia-settings applet to set my refresh rate to 85Hz (where I usually keep it), the Ubuntu resolution applet reports 121Hz. nvidia-settings reports it correctly, the xorg.conf shows it set the 85Hz, but the darn Ubuntu applet still shows 121Hz. No one in the Ubuntu Forums wants to help out as usual for me lately.

I'm still waiting for some help with the Remote Desktop usage.